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What To Expect During A Reiki Session

Updated: Jun 1

If you are unfamiliar with the nature of energy work or are just curious about what a reiki session with me involves my wish is that this article provides you with the clarity you require.

In general, during a reiki session you can expect to experience feelings of peace, protection and upliftment as it is a channeling of pure light. In the presence of such a highly vibrational energetic force only positive emotions are able to exist and as a result will clear your energy body of unhealthy chi. It is also important to note that the huge shifts that reiki will create during a treatment session will be coupled with the complete release of any competing energies (and may take multiple sessions over time). The experience of energetic release during a reiki session will look different for each individual.

The experience of reiki energy is immediate however some may not fully see it's effects until days or, sometimes even, weeks later. Time, in terms of Reiki, is non- linear.

I have witnessed one particular client in particular who displayed brief muscular nerve impulses causing the body to twitch. However, this is uncommon. It is common however to experience considerable surges of energy wafting through the body resulting in higher awareness. Reiki energy is also known to cause people to glow and appear brighter. For some, actual shifts within ones external reality are known to occur especially when the intention for that is set.

Almost all of the clients I have worked with will come out of a session feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated than before.

A woman sitting in a room holding her hands in prayer
A woman holds her hands in prayer while in meditation

The Reiki Session

There is a standard format to reiki sessions but every healer will modify this and make it there own! This is the general format that I use during my reiki sessions.

1. The Initial Consultation

The most effective healing sessions in my experience have been the ones with the clearest of intentions. That is why all of my sessions begin with a discussion so that I am well-informed but also so that you as the client can set goals for your healing journey. We will also talk about your current and on-going issues while I take notes. Taking notes is important to keep track of your progress across the many sessions we may have together. Client documentation is confidential.

2. Clearing the Space

Before reiki treatment begins I put on healing frequency music and do a short singing bowl meditation to clear and uplift the energy of the space. You may close your eyes, focus your attention on the back of your eyelids or even at the space between your brows. Maybe you breathe in for 4 counts and out for 8 counts really extending that exhale. Here, I will begin sending Reiki in and around the physical and/ or digital space to amplify it as an energetic container.

3. The Prayer

Now I will say two short prayers:

  • The first prayer will be an attunement for me as the healer to become a channel for reiki energy (this may take a couple of minutes).

  • During the second prayer I will be solidifying the intention that we set during our intial consulation.

I will also upon protective spirits, my spirit guides as well as the highest healing energies of the Universe to rain down upon this healing session! I will then empower myself with reiki symbols so as not to get our energies intertwined.

4. Chiryo

The reiki session begins! Here, I set my timer and begin to:

  • Scan the body for any blockages.

  • Bless your auric feild with the strength of Reiki energy and move through the 4 main energy bodies (distance healing).

  • Deliver reiki energy to specific areas of the body that require special attention.

  • I will also energetically attune each of the individual chakra points (in-person).

During the session it is normal to experience sensations of energy flow or washes of color or even visions. It is also important to note that I as the healer will be utilizing the breath for blockage removal and humming to increase energy flow. Don't be afraid to breathe and chant with me! If you would like I may also talk you through what I am sensing in your auric field unless you would prefer a silent session.

5. Final Blessings

After Chiryo, the session with end with a final prayer and blessing for your days moving forward.

  • I will close our sacred container and empower myself with reiki so as not to keep our energies intertwined. At this point clients are usually experiencing a sort of dream-like state.

  • After a few moments, I will softly ring the singing bowl. If we haven't gone too much over time we may also review the notes from the initial consultation. If you are not in the mood for discussion we can always chat later.

If you look in the mirror after I guarantee you won't be able to recognize the person staring back at you!


Editor's Note:

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