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What Is Smudging? Your Guide to Types of Smudge Sticks

Updated: Feb 8

In this article we will discuss smudge sticks and their role in the history of natural spirituality. Learn how to clear negative energy today!

White sage being lit and burned
Hand Lighting White Sage

What Is Smudging?

"Smudging" is the burning of spiritual herbs and resins that have both healing and cleansing properties. These herbs have been traditionally used in ceremony among Native and Indigenous peoples of the Americas for a variety of spiritual practices. These herbs that are now popularized by the New Age are sacred to these cultures and the spaces in which they inhabit.

White Sage, Palo Santo, Sweetgrass, Yerba Santa, Copal and Tobacco are some of the smudging tools used within natural spirituality that are explained throughout this article. Remember to source your smudge sticks responsibly!

How To Use Smudge Sticks

An alchemical experience is created in the practice of burning smudge sticks. The dried herbs, wood or resin represent Earth and are typically burned in a shell or a bowl which represent both Water and Earth. The smudging tool is then lit with the element of Fire which then produces sacred smoke or Air.

A large feather may also be used to waft the sacred smoke through the air or over a person's energy field. If you choose to smudge indoors opening a window is useful to allow for negative energy to leave the space.


Types Of Smudge Sticks

A bundle of white sage sits in a pearlescent shell

White Sage

White Sage (Salvia Apiana) only grows in Southern California in shrubs of silver toned leaves - shop responsibly! White Sage is used to completely clear the energy surrounding people and spaces whether that energy has positive or negative intentions. This smudge stick burns in a thick white cloud and has a very strong aromatic smell so also be sure to open a window if burning indoors.

Close up of leaves of Cedar


Cedar (Cedrus) is actually native to the Himalayan mountains of Southwest Asia and the Mediterranean region. The Cedar that grows in North America is not native to this land but nonetheless can be used as a smudging tool. Cedar smudge sticks burn with the nostalgic scent of the holiday season and have a lighter quality to their smoke. The thin green leaves of Cedar burn fast for short periods of time and are used to invite in positivity and purification.


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Crystals and palo santo sit on pillars of concrete against a white backdrop

Palo Santo

Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) grows in South America and translates to "Holy Wood" in the Spanish language and has been utilized by shamans for centuries. So, again, shop and smudge responsibly! The earthy smell of Palo Santo invites in feelings of warmth and is used for protection and to clear negative energy. You may purchase this smudge tool singularly or in packs of 4-inch sized sticks of light colored wood.

Dried Yerba Santa leaves

Yerba Santa

Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon californicum) is native to California and Oregon. The branches of which sprout purple bell-shaped flowers although it is the dark green leaves of Yerba Santa that get harvested for the use of smudging. Yerba Santa has an acquired smell as the scent can be quite sharp and pungent. However, the herb serves well to work with the third eye to promote wisdom and ancestral connection. This smudge stick is also great for to clear negative energy from any space.

4 inch Sweetgrass braids


Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata) is a smudge tool that grows in both Eurasia and North America and is considered a sacred medicine among many Native American cultures. Sweetgrass creates an atmosphere of uplifting energy that is great for promoting a sense of openness in your space. Sweetgrass smudge sticks also invite in positive spirits and are said to repel mosquitoes!

Copal incense sticks


Copal or copalli is a word whose etymology belongs to the native language of the Aztecs and means "incense". Copal is actually a soft tree sap or resin that is harvested from copal trees which are native to Mexico and Central America. The price point of Copal varies from the amber Copal resin being the cheapest to the white Copal being more expensive. Copal is a smudge tool that is perfect for purifying and cleansing your space.

Close up of brown tobacco leaves


Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), which is harvested for it's leaves, is a herbaceous plant that is native to The Americas. Although this herb is not traditionally used within Native and Indigenous rituals for the purpose of "smudging" it can be used within natural spirituality for offerings and prayer. By the inhale and then sudden release of tobacco smoke you set the intention of your ritual or ceremony into the air.

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