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Heal Your Sacral Chakra: A Meditation On Svadhisthana

This article includes a sacral chakra meditation targeted to bring awareness to the energy center of the sacral chakra, Svadhisthana.

The symbol of Svadhisthana, The Sacral Chakra
An orange, six-petalled lotus is the symbol of Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana

The Benefits of Sacral Chakra Healing

Chakra work is essential for bringing awareness to your emotional centers as they relate to stored trauma within the body. The disregard of painful experiences or of underlying issues within the psyche (which result from this trauma) could potentially create holes in your auric field. This leaks out essential life force eventually leaving you feeling completely drained of your energy.

Creating the space to explore the unhealed parts of yourself using chakra meditation and the tools shared throughout this article will help with rebalancing your mind, body and spirit to function at their most optimal level of being. Healing Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana, specifically, is one of the most important chakras to work with as a way to facilitate your return to emotional wellness.


A Sacral Chakra Meditation

What is The Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana?

The sacral chakra is the second chakra in the traditional 7 chakra system that has been popularized by the Hindu texts of the East. This energy center is alive with creative passion and is located between the hips. When this spinning wheel is activated, the longing within oneself to experience the fullness of our self-expression is realized. You may adorn your body or enhance your natural appearance to empower sacral chakra healing in your life.

Regrettably, the lotus of the sacral chakra, Svadhisthana also comes with all of the perils of egoic attachment as it’s areas of focus could cause one to become consumed with carnal desire or selfish intent. Therefore, learning to maintain emotional balance is also a function of this energy center to help avoid even ferocity or emotional outbursts from overtaking you. Meditation through chakra work is a great way to facilitate the return of a harmonious functioning.

Sacral Chakra Meditation Journal Prompts

  • What triggers the uncomfortable emotions within you? What is the underlying cause of these feelings?

Within Svadhisthana, you are also now becoming attuned to the subconscious mind. In seeking to explore this realm of consciousness exists the longing for a deeper experience of life. After the work you have done at the root chakra by gaining the necessary tools for survival and meeting your basic needs, Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana, is where you begin to desire. There is the potential to become magnetizing. You are seeking external validation but also the comfort that emotional connections and relationships provide.

Sunset glistening on water
Sunset glistening on water

On your journey of exploration through your relationships you may discover barriers to your ability to emotionally connect with others due to unhealthy learned behaviors. You may also discover the uncomfortable need within you to overcompensate for that which you feel you may lack due to insecurity. This is why awareness through chakra work is so important to cultivate. While healing the energy center of Sacral Chakra, Svadhisthana, you will begin to feel as though you are more capable of expressing yourself authentically. In doing so, you will start to become more naturally confident and form closer bonds with greater ease.

  • How have you learned to relate to others?

  • What are some prime examples of relational connection that were mirrored to you during your life's early stages?

The sacral chakra, Svadhisthana is commonly associated with the color Orange and the element of water. These are influences which you can utilize to empower your healing journey. As we have discussed there are a variety of modalities linked to the function of healing the second chakra in the body. When using meditation to connect to the sacral chakra it is important to note the power of tapping into the effervescence of your sensuality and sexual energy. Doing so can facilitate the connection to your emotions as well as stimulate the creative force within. Hip movements and dance are great ways to open up and awaken your sacral chakra.

  • Does your sexual expression feel blocked or overactive?

The area between our hips where the sacral is located is also associated with the creation of life. An overflow of abundance is displayed to you within the foundational makeup of your nature. It's infinite realm of possibilities can be conveyed in the physical and also through an esoteric understanding. That of which you have access to in present time. Not only through the experiential nature of this point of consciousness but also within the capacity that this energy center has to express itself throughout the many different facets of your life.

  • Where in your life can you create the space to be in the receiving mode?

  • Can you allow yourself to give without the expectation of reciprocity?

The sacral chakra, Svadhisthana is linked to your ability to receive abundance and display generosity. When this area of focus is out of balance so too may your ability to cultivate a rich experience of life.

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