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Heal Your Root Chakra: A Meditation on Muladhara

Updated: Jun 12

This article includes a root chakra meditation targeted to bring awareness to the energy center of Muladhara, the foundation for healing.

The symbol of The Root Chakra, Muladhara
A red, four-petalled lotus is the symbol of Root Chakra, Muladhara

What Is A Chakra Meditation?

A chakra meditation is holding space in honor of the most vulnerable parts of you for the sole purpose of healing. In doing so, bringing to light the critical injuries to your system that have accumulated over time. The areas of your body that require your tender attention are informed by the pain you feel surrounding their functions. Giving the energy centers of your body the care that they require simply by holding the intention to do so is immensely powerful. By the power of your intention you have already chosen healing.

A Root Chakra Healing Meditation

What is The Root Chakra, Muladhara?

The root chakra is the base chakra as this energy center can be found at the base of the spine. The base chakra is the first energy center in the traditional chakra system. It is the seemingly unshakeable foundation of your existence. The information on how to acquire the necessities for basic survival of the physical vessel and it's generations of offspring are stored in the root chakra.

Root Chakra Meditation Journal Prompts

  • What tools have you acquired for survival?

  • What resources can you utilize to sustain your well-being?

The ability to survive and thrive are also deeply connected to a need for proper social exchange. Your emotional needs are attached to feelings of safety so without caring affection the vital sustenance required to stabilize certain functions of the body will become unstable. Sociability is necessary in order to relate to one another in a way that maintains coordination between you and another in relation to the whole. The relations you foster function as a way of bridging your consciousness to reveal the inner workings of the self. The root chakra represents the deep world of the human psyche as it learns through the palpable experience of being earthbound to it's materiality.



Within Muladhara, growth is first experienced at the physical level of existence. Your attachments on the material plane, as you become conscious of this area in your life, become your guide to alignment. Noticing what feels best as you sift through what does not feel good is how you create more harmony and balance in the root chakra. Here we are just beginning to understand the emotional world.

  • How do the people in your life reflect who you are?

  • What unhealthy attachments do you need to release?

Brown roots uprooted from soil
Brown roots underneath soil

In Vedic traditions, the root chakra is given the name Muladhara. It is through the ancient Hindu texts of the East that we have been brought the awareness of this spinning wheel of life force energy. There are a variety of modalities associated with the function of healing the root chakra from sound healing to specific colors to working with the organs within the body. For example, a meditation on the color red could be utilized to empower the root chakra. Healing this area is essential for the strength of your physical body, of your personal identity and the reclamation of your experience on earth.

Meditation on your root chakra for healing also connects you to the energy of your greatest potential for personal growth. From the Earth the bodies of our ancestors rise again in our form recreating their image in our own. Just as the bones within your body are intrinsically designed to grow and repair so too can you make advancements toward what you want and get things you need. If you feel the lack of motivation or feel discouraged in your ability to be led by your own instincts root chakra healing is exactly what you need.

Reserve your Distance Reiki healing today.


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