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Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Updated: Feb 8

In this New Age that we are collectively attuning to we are redefining what it means to truly live. These are the times of total faith in miracles and embrace of infinite possibilities! Structured certainty and manufactured artifices of success are the paradigm of a distant past. Authenticity, freedom, excitement, joy, full presence and vulnerability are the new standard. Now tell me, if The Universe was working completely in your favor, what would you choose to do then?

Green Northern lights in the sky
If The Universe was working completely in your favor, what would you choose to do then?

If you have already found the answer then, “Congratulations!” All you have to do now is to trust this was meant for you. For those who are still unsure or find themselves second guessing then keep reading.

Redefine Purpose

What if our true purpose was simply to be and to experience ourselves and the world around us. So often we feel as though the biggest impact is the best. We strive for transcendence, legacy and our names carved in stone. But, I am here to remind you that it is a miracle you are here to experience anything at all. It is important to get clear on the lifestyle you wish to lead, experiences you wish to have and your core values. Then create your livelihood accordingly.

Listen to Your Intuition

We have been gifted with the same intelligence that causes flowers to bloom and butterflies to metamorphose. It is the same effortlessness as the breath itself as is your body's insurmountable capability to keep itself alive.

There is a part of you that has access to a divine order that exists beyond the analytical mind. This is called intuition or that gut feeling or the Higher Self. It is your birthright to deepen into this heightened state of awareness which is the part of you who already knows all that you are meant to become. Where is your intuition guiding you now? Quiet the mind. Create a moment of stillness. Ask and you shall receive.

3) Take Action

Now that you have recieved the call it is time to make your vision a reality! Create a detailed task list and write out every single step you need to take. Figure out the logistics and do plenty of research. When you take action toward your goals and dreams unlimited gifts await you. Remember that what is in alignment for you is in alignment with all of humanity.

"Devotion is to be devoid of the self." -Sadhguru

4) Dealing with Doubt

In order to step into a new version of yourself you must also quiet the monkey mind. This process may be difficult but the lessons learned along the way will be well worth it. What is a reward without a little risk, anyway? Take calculated ones. Also dealing with worries, doubts or fears might be a great opportunity to do some shadow work. Figure out why you may be placing limits on yourself or judging yourself too harshly. Fostering a daily practice can also keep you grounded during difficult times.

I believe in you. The Universe believes in you. Now it is time to believe in you, too.

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