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What Is The Divine Feminine? Embodying Goddess Energy

Updated: Feb 8

My journey to discovering The Divine Feminine, embodying goddess energy in my life and healing with Mother God.

Woman posing by a lake in Central Park
Idalis Posing In Central Park

What is Divine Feminine Energy?

Divine feminine energy is one half of a duality that takes place within the physical realm. The Divine Feminine, like her counterpart the Divine Masculine, exists on a wide spectrum and can embody many forms but is also formlessness.

Divine Feminine energy can create the curvature of natural formations but can also be represented in the waveform of the lucid, primordial energy of water. The spiritual essence of organic matter, the undying Spirit born of pure bliss, is also The Divine Feminine. She is a portal to the Great Mysteries.

Embodying Goddess Energy

My personal journey to embodying The Divine Feminine was empowered by connecting to archetypes of the Goddess. However, I first found the Goddess after purchasing a small Rose Quartz crystal along my early path to self-love. At this time in my life I was seeking nurturance, support, comfort and compassion so, of course, this would be the crystal I gravitated toward. Soon after I began to realize that I could not only find the Divine Feminine aspects of nurturance, support, comfort and compassion in my magical rock but that they were always present in my heart and in my spirit. Mother God became Earth to me and Earth began to feel like a place where I could start to feel safe.

I also discovered that I was in harmony with the natural cycles of Earth. That my "moon cycle" moved through the months much like the seasons move the yearly calendar. On heavy days of my period I noticed that my body began to feel that it was in a season of Winter. On these days I would seek deep rest. When I entered the Summer of my monthly cycle this was when my womb would begin budding with creative life force energy in it's ovulating phase. The energy of the Goddess was also present within my own body.


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Seeking a spiritual connection became the way that I continued to foster feminine energy in my life. I was reminded of the magic of Earth, the power that lies deep within her that I possess within me, but I was also discovering the strength of my soul. I discovered how powerful it was to be quiet and to listen and to surrender and to allow myself to receive. All of which are aspects of Mother God and the Divine Feminine.

Connecting to the energy of my ancestors and allowing them to speak through me in order to invoke their intention of wholeness in my life was also how I spoke to Mother God. Creating rituals around healing my energy centers also became a common occurrence. This I highly recommend to tapping into the energetic flow within you.

Healing with Mother God

Caring for my wounds, which were the wounds of many generations before me, was also really important in my healing journey to healing with Mother God. Simply feeling my feelings was enough for me to deepen into that space of nurturance. Reaching out for support from the people in my life and also through professional resources was very vital to maintaining mental and emotional balance. Keeping the sweetness of my own ability to care for others through the spiritual healing services that I began to offer was also a beautiful path to realizing my own potential to uplift others. What I was able give I also received back from my clients in return. There openess and trust was just as healing for me to witness. And finally, getting back to the basics of putting simple, clean foods into my body was also a huge act of love toward myself that allowed for great healing to take place. Further allowing my intention for healing to take greater effect in my life. As within, so without.

I continue to connect to and help care for the Earth and do my part in healing collective mother wounds. As above, so below. Small actions like saving my organic food scraps and dropping them off at the nearest compost bin, choosing a plant-based lifestyle and consciously shopping for clothes are ways that I personally choose to give back to Earth and Earth's spirit. In doing so, remaining connected to that higher power which is The Divine Feminine.

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